Sunday, December 6, 2020

Birmingham, AL: Update on That Lizard in a Mailbox


Lizard shedding (molting), Birmingham, Alabama. December 2020.
Lizard shedding (molting), Birmingham, Alabama. December 2020.



Hello there, little one! You're in a doorway today! Nice to see you again.


Lizard shedding (molting), Birmingham, Alabama. December 2020.
Lizard shedding (molting), Birmingham, Alabama. December 2020.


What's this? A crack in your tail? Did something happen? I didn't close the storm door on you, did I? 


Ohhhh, you're molting! That explains the gray collar in the mailbox photos!  

Hmm, but now I'm thinking there are two of you. Mailbox lizard who had completely molted except for the collar, and doorway lizard who had completely molted except for the tail.


Lizard shedding (molting), Birmingham, Alabama. December 2020.

I don't think I knew lizards molted. Snakes, yes. 

An informational video here


1 comment:

judy said...

Great info and lovely music for a trip down memory land. Thanks!