Thursday, December 26, 2013

Rootless: On Doing Holidays Solo

Gutter sun, Oil Center, Lafayette, Louisiana

Most major holidays I'm not solo, but there are times, such as this Christmas, I have been.

Since my happiness is my responsibility and not the job of others, it's incumbent upon me to create a satisfying holiday. ... Hmm, that holds true when I'm solo and when I'm with family and old friends.

The now-memories of Christmas Eve 2013 are luminous. They didn't come to me; I went out and got them.

In 2010, I wrote Holidays for the Rootless, reposted below: 

Some reflections here:
Holiday Homesickness, from
Expat Celebrations: Tips For Spending Holidays Overseas, by Anne Merritt, from
Family Holiday Traditions and Living Abroad, by Betsy Burlingame, from

The ideas are for people who are abroad, but they hold true for anyone, really, regardless of where they are.

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