Thursday, January 9, 2014

Louisiana: Palmetto Island State Park: Floating on the Bayou

Palmetto Island State Park, Louisiana

On the first Sunday of each month, there's a ranger-led canoe tip at Palmetto Island State Park. Free!

Palmetto Island State Park, Louisiana

Palmetto Island State Park, Louisiana

Lots of vultures about on the day we floated. It's not a good quality photo, but you can see a cluster of them in the tree below:

Palmetto Island State Park, Louisiana

I saw a lethargic snake on the bank, which the ranger identified as a yellow-bellied water snake. Can you see it in the picture below?

Palmetto Island State Park, Louisiana

I'll be writing more about this later - the disappearing of Louisiana - but I learned from the ranger that the people who do maps (USGS?) have begun to remove some location names from their current Louisiana maps because these locations no longer exist. They have eroded away.

Palmetto Island State Park, Louisiana

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