Thursday, September 21, 2023

2023 Summer Road Trip: Las Vegas Bay, Nevada: Rain



Rainy day at McDonald's. Henderson, Nevada. September 2013. Credit: Mzuriana.
Rainy day at McDonald's. Henderson, Nevada. September 2013. Credit: Mzuriana.

It rained yesterday late afternoon. It began while I was in the McDonald's parking lot readying for a lesson with one of my students. I'm a succubus of McDonald's wifi. 

I wondered if it also rained at the campground. 

Yes, it did. 

And the shower seemed to have drawn out a delicious aroma from one of the prolific plants at the campground. The creosote bushes, best I can tell. 

I believe these are said creosote bushes in the foreground of the photo below. I trust that someone will inform me if I'm incorrect. 

View from Las Vegas Bay Campground, Nevada. September 2023. Credit: Mzuriana.
Creosote bushes in foreground. View from Las Vegas Bay Campground after rain. Nevada. September 2023. Credit: Mzuriana.


One camper family had, like me, not known rain was coming, and they'd foregone their tent's rainfly. 

I might have done the same - both here and at a previous campground - but my tent almost demands the installation of its rainfly, else one side of the tent would be virtually backless - all screen. 

So the little family returned to rain-sodden sleeping bags and mattress. 

Other than puddles on my tent foyer, I was in good shape. 

My rainy tent foyer in Las Vegas Bay Campground, Nevada. September 2023. Credit: Mzuri.
My rainy tent foyer in Las Vegas Bay Campground, Nevada. September 2023. Credit: Mzuri.

I am reminded of my camping experience at Lake Catherine in Arkansas, when I dug a water-diversion trench around my tent's perimeter. 



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