Friday, June 9, 2023

Rootless Relocation: My Next Tourist-in-Residency


Arrow pointing the way. De Soto State Park, Alabama. March 2021. Credit: Mzuriana.
Arrow pointing the way. De Soto State Park, Alabama. March 2021. Credit: Mzuriana.


As with my July and August travelin' plans, I had no clue - until a lightning strike on Tuesday evening - about where (or even when!) I'd establish my next tourist-in-residency. 

It was a place that I had never - never! - considered before. I hadn't considered it because it never even floated ashore as a possibility.

And then in a single moment, it zapped me and it felt exactly right, for so many reasons:

  1. The city offers massive quantities (and diversity) of cultural activities, especially in music and dance.
  2. There is a large university campus (~ 25k undergrads).
  3. The university participates in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), which I can join (as I did in El Paso).
  4. The city's population size is in my sweet spot of a little more than half a million.
  5. There is decent diversity of complexion, age, and income. 
  6. The city is super close to national and state parks and nature preserves.
  7. The airport receives direct flights from many of the locations where my family or friends live - so visits would be both easy and relatively affordable. 

I've been here once. Only for a night to meet up with a student visiting the US from Vietnam. 

Might I change my mind? Well, sure! But today, it feels very, very right.

I'm enthused.

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