Friday, July 1, 2022

Word of the Year: Disciplines 7: A Work Schedule


My corner office. Opelousas, Louisiana. March 2015. Credit: Mzuriana.
My corner office. Opelousas, Louisiana. March 2015. Credit: Mzuriana.


I have created a work schedule for myself that is completely new to my experience. 

It is new in that I have redefined "work."

"Work" now includes, in addition to income-producing activities, the creative actions I want to complete, such as:

  • Twice-weekly posts in my blogs
  • A written and pictorial narrative for my descendants, to tie them to our preceding generations
  • That bucket list item I wrote at age 27, during a major turning point in my life: Write a book and have it published

Until my illuminating flash about this some weeks ago, I had viewed gaps in my income-producing activities as random free time, which my brain interpreted as sort of vacation time. Undisciplined time. Which led, too often, to wasteful, non-directed screen time. 

My windowsill office. Old Rustavi, Caucasus Georgia. September 2011. Credit: Mzuriana.
My windowsill office. Old Rustavi, Caucasus Georgia. September 2011. Credit: Mzuriana.


But recently, as I have grown older, my thoughts have gone here, and I feel a sense of urgency that is new to me. 

The past 12 years, since going rootless, have zoomed by! The next 20 years are likely to do the same. 

I don't want to waste them. I don't have time to waste. 


My office in Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 2019. Credit: Mzuriana.
My office in Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 2019. Credit: Mzuriana.

My new work schedule (with a noon-2pm break): 

  • Monday through Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
  • Flex time: "Work" on Mondays and Fridays includes tourist / travel adventures 
  • Flex time: Some income-producing work falls before or after these work hours

My office on the far left. El Paso, Texas. September 2016. Credit: Mzuriana.
My office on the far left. El Paso, Texas. September 2016. Credit: Mzuriana.

Structure. Structure is good. 


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