Sunday, June 28, 2020

On the Road Again: COVID-19 Unfolding, Part 28: Flags and Traps


Fire and brimstone in an Arkansas tract. January 2012.
Fire and brimstone in an Arkansas tract. January 2012.


From Salado Rest Area on Highway 167, on the way to Livingston, Texas, my route included spans on:

  1. Highway 167
  2. Highway 67
  3. Highway 57
  4. Highway 595
  5. Highway 59

My take-away sights

Highway 67 and 57 (Arkansas): Dotted by many flapping Confederate flags that proclaim quasi-American citizens' fealty to a dystopian ghost nation that lurks in the United States like plaque on a heart's arteries

Highway 595: Speed traps! 

Atlanta, Texas: The town of Atlanta, Texas, has a big ol' billboard close to its entrance that announces to all comers: "One City Under God." .... Not to be disrespectful, but by the looks of things there, God don't like Atlanta too much. Depressing.

Between Atlanta and Livingston: More speed traps!

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