Gallup, New Mexico |
After my first pass through Gallup, I wrote about it here.
On a more recent drive-through, I still felt that special something about Gallup. Not the winters. Don't like them - too damn cold.
Zombies in Gallup, New Mexico? |
Gallup is a train town. I like that. Even the town's name has a train connection.
Gallup, New Mexico |
Gallup, New Mexico |
The folks are gosh darn friendly in Gallup, an opinion based on my few interactions with Gallupians I encountered.
Gallup, New Mexico |
Here is a repository of oral histories from members of the United Indian Traders' Association (UITA), which played a prominent role in Gallup commerce.
Overall, Gallup comes across as a town that's seen better days, but with pockets of hope showing. To check my perception against reality, I looked at city-data's information for both Gallup and Jefferson City, Missouri, where I come from. Median household income is slightly higher in Gallup than Jefferson City (48k versus 47k, respectively), but there's a large reverse gap in per capita income: 19k in Gallup versus 26k in Jefferson City). (Larger families in Gallup?) When I dig a little deeper, I see that 46.6% of Gallup households have an income of 40k or less, while the same holds true for 43.7% of Jefferson City households. Bottom line: I haven't dug any deeper to know what to make of Gallup's economic situation.
Gallup, New Mexico |
The Gallup Cultural Center is fine, designed with an eye for space and light.
Gallup, New Mexico |
If only the winters weren't so cold ...
A slide show:

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