Wild horse, Echo Bluffs State Park, Missouri. November 2017. |
November 2017
I spent Thanksgiving weekend at
Echo Bluffs State Park with my mother, two brothers, and a niece. My mom, a brother, and I stayed in the lodge; my other brother and his daughter camped in their camper truck.
Echo Bluffs State Park is a newly-minted state park that used to be
a private youth camp, and there are many, many adults with fond memories of times spent at that camp.
The park is adjacent to
Ozark Scenic Riverways, administered by the National Park Service.
There is a herd of wild horses at Echo Bluffs. The horses wander through the campsites at will. They poop there, too. Under normal circumstances, this might be an annoyance, but it's
wild horse poop, so it has some panache.
Wild horse poop, Echo Bluffs State Park, Missouri. November 2017. |
On my way to meet the family members, I drove by a dead snake. I, of course, turned around to take its picture. I like snakes, and this was an especially pretty one. Given that it was November, I'm guessing it had sidled up to the road for warmth from the sun.
Dead snake, Echo Bluffs State Park, Missouri. November 2017. |
Behind the lodge and cabins is Sinking Creek, which flows at the feet of Echo Bluff.
Echo Bluffs State Park, Missouri. November 2017. |
I saw a fossiliferous rock.
Echo Bluffs State Park, Missouri. November 2017. |
A pretty sunset.
Echo Bluffs State Park, Missouri. November 2017. |
Between you and me, I don't feel quite the same level of love that many express for Echo Bluffs, but I'm obviously not a reliable judge of fantastic-ness, given my ambivalence about
Istanbul, which regularly hits top 10 lists of must-visits. And it's possible that a quick trip in November doesn't show the park at its best.
So I encourage you to read
this enthusiastic, well-written article about Echo Bluffs State Park. The author shares plenty of good pics, as well.
The Ozark Scenic Riverways area is beautiful, indeed. My camping brother, who's been to the area numerous times, directed our family quintet to his favorite spots.
One was Alley Spring and Mill, which is coming up in Part 2.