
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving in Playa

It wasn't Thanksgiving in Playa, so I had class as usual today. Matt and Carol explored towns Valladolid and Chemax, and one of Matt's favorite cenotes from his numerous trips to the area in the past, Cenote Calavera (skull).

Over my lunch break, I connected via Skype with the Thanksgiving gathering at Brother4's house, talking with my daughter and her family, my sister, brothers, and various young'ns. The family was still at Brother4's house when Matt and Carol returned from their adventures, and daughter skyped us so they, too, could connect with home base.

Matt and I later walked up 5th Avenue to Ah Cacao for a leisurely, people-watching coffee, then continued on to Calle 28 and then to the beach to join the International Jazz Festival. Mike Stern and Dave Weckl were playing. A jazzy rock sound. Loved it!

Below is a mellower tune:

So --> terrific music, a gorgeous orange moon that hung from a cloud, a starry sky, fresh breezes, warm sand, and an appreciative crowd.

A good way to spend a Thanksgiving.

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