
Friday, November 26, 2010

On being a book slut

Before my reformation, I was a book slut, reading whatever happened to come my way.This resulted in many sordid encounters with literary trash.

One day, more than a year ago, I decided to be more intentional about my reading, so I spidered through the various "best books" recommendations put forth by NPR, the New York Times, and the Christian Science Monitor. Then I matched those that interested me with our local library's inventory (sometimes requesting that the library purchase a book that sounded particularly good).

It was very satisfying.

Now that I'm rootless, I am back to my undiscriminating, promiscuous ways, reliant on the books in the condo "library." Which means I've wasted an absurd amount of time trying to establish a relationship with this dreck:

  • The Last Victim. How I managed to get past 100 before I finally tossed it in disgust, I don't know. Maybe I do know - it was a case of the devil you know versus the devil (the next bad book) you don't. 
  • Fortunately, I didn't give the equally bad (but in an entirely different way) Suite 606 more than about 20 pages before it got re-shelved. 

1 comment:

  1. Loved the title "On being a book slut". I found your reviews to be most interesting.
