
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

El Paso: The Very Uncomfortable Bench

My El Paso apartment is furnished. It has less furniture in it now than when I moved in, as I asked the landlords to remove some of the pieces, both to give me more space and to weed out non-useful items.

See that red bench in the picture below? That is what my landlady used as her 'couch' for many years, even to watch television. It is uncomfortable. Its only utility for me was to put stuff on it, and that didn't justify the valuable real estate it occupied in my tiny living space.

Wood bench, El Paso, Texas. September 2016.

I asked that it be taken away, which it was.

Imagine my surprise when I visited El Paso's International Museum of Art and saw the  representation of a typical salon of an upscale El Paso-Juarez family in the early 20th century.

Wood bench, El Paso, Texas. March 2017.

Perhaps the benches discouraged guests from staying too long.

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