
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Toronto: Jazz Festival 2016: Swing v. Street

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

Oh, the energy! Love.

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

My favorite number - street dancers from KeepRockinYou; band is Worst Pop Group Ever in video below:

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

It makes me happy to see the women dancers!

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

A teeny but mighty video below:

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

A dance-off between swing and street below:

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

Street v. swing, Jazz Festival 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2016.

Going by the visuals, you might get the idea that the band, The Worst Pop Group Ever, was just background for the dancing. No. This band popped.

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