
Friday, April 17, 2015

Opelousas: Outside My Window #5

Green lizard, Opelousas, Louisiana. April 2015.

I've seen and heard more interesting things outside my Opelousas windows in six weeks than I saw during an entire year from my Lafayette apartment.

Green lizard, Opelousas, Louisiana. April 2015.

Today it was a lizard looking for love. Literally looking for love. OK, not love, sex.

Green lizard, Opelousas, Louisiana. April 2015.

He searched up and down and over there and over here, oh yes, sir, I saw what he was up to while I peered through the window like that nosy neighbor on Bewitched ... Gladys?

Gladys from Bewitched. Credit: Bewitched wikia.

Periodically, he bobbed his head up and down and then expanded his throat sac, inflaming it with a fiery - may I be so bold as to say, passionate - red of hopeful seduction.

Green lizard, Opelousas, Louisiana. April 2015.

 Here's the video:

For more information about these green lizards, aka green anole, go here. By the way, the anole is actually in the iguana family.

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