
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Homework, massage, and all that jazz

Finally finished an interminable written assignment. Good news! It's the last one!

Before she left, Pam gave me a gift certificate for two massages at Veronica's Massage. I rewarded myself with one of the massages this evening. Holy moly. One of the best massages I've ever received. Thank you, Pam!

En route to my appointment, I walked under the trees filled with bats. They swooped over and around me as they passed from one tree to another. Just so's you know, Playa bats are bigger than Missouri bats.

During the massage, I had the thought: Along with the misery and mayhem we humans can render unto each other, there also exists the gift of one human giving another a massage, that therapeutic power of touch. Later, I had the thought: Yieeee! Hey, that hurts!

After the massage, I walked over to the beach to the last night of the Riviera Maya Jazz Festival. Somehow I ended up right in front of the stage. Not sure how that happened, but cool.

The audience loved Eugenia Leon, singing along to many of her songs. It was fun to be part of that intimacy between audience and performer.

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